• Drafting Settlement Agreements / DFAS Agreements between reputable Banks and various reputable Cyprus Companies / Debtors of Banks ,appearing in Cyprus District Courts and other Cyprus Authorites for the execution of these Agreements.
• Handling a difficult court action, with complex factual and legal issues, filed against the Bank with a claim of over $40.000.000 – Claim Rejected by the Court.
• Αdvising, with regards Litigation / court procedures on achieving and executing court judgments, with regards various Scheme of Arrangements that our office prepared for various Banks.
• Drafting and Handling Applications in Court on behalf of various Banks re. “Entrapped Buyers” Law, which was found to be unconstitutional by most Cyprus Courts.
• Advising and Drafting Αssignment Agreements with regards sale and transfer of rights, which derive from a Contract of Sale, to the Bank or an SPV – to be filed at the Lands Registry.